Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Program : Our Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Program is designed to deepen your knowledge of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, and prepare you to teach this powerful and transformative practice. The program is conducted in four stunning locations: Rishikesh, Bali, McLeod Ganj, and Goa. Each location is chosen for its natural beauty, tranquility, and spiritual significance.
The program consists of 200 hours of training, spread over four weeks. During this time, you will receive comprehensive instruction in Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, as well as related subjects like anatomy, philosophy, and teaching methodology. You will learn the techniques and principles of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, and explore how this practice can help you awaken your inner potential, balance your energy, and connect with your true self.
The benefits of this program are manifold. You will not only deepen your personal practice of Kundalini Yoga but also gain the skills and confidence to share this transformative practice with others. You will become a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, recognized by Yoga Alliance, and be eligible to teach Kundalini Yoga anywhere in the world.
Our program includes comfortable and clean accommodation, with a variety of options to suit your needs and budget. You will be served delicious and nutritious vegetarian meals, prepared with fresh and local ingredients, to nourish your body and support your practice. Our team of experienced teachers and staff will provide you with the guidance and support you need to fully immerse yourself in the program and make the most of your time with us.
The daily schedule includes morning sadhana, followed by lectures, workshops, and practice sessions throughout the day. You will have ample time for self-reflection, study, and relaxation, as well as opportunities to explore the local culture and nature.
In conclusion, our Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Program is an excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, connect with like-minded people, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. With our expert guidance and support, you will develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to share this powerful practice with others, and make a positive impact on the world.


Location :
Four destinations - Rishikesh, Bali, McLeod Ganj, and Goa - have been carefully selected for our yoga teacher training programs due to their unique landscapes, cultural richness, spiritual significance, and the conducive environments they offer for deepening one's yoga practice. Each location presents its own distinct benefits and opportunities for personal growth, allowing trainees to immerse themselves in the essence of yoga and connect with their inner selves on a transformative journey.

Rishikesh (India):
1) Rishikesh is widely regarded as the yoga capital of the world, attracting spiritual seekers from all over the globe.
2) The serene and picturesque setting of Rishikesh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas along the sacred Ganges River, provides an ideal environment for deepening one's yoga practice.
3) Rishikesh has a rich spiritual heritage, with numerous ashrams, temples, and meditation centers, making it a hub for spiritual exploration and self-discovery.
4) The traditional and authentic yoga culture in Rishikesh offers a unique opportunity for trainees to immerse themselves in the ancient teachings and practices of yoga.

Bali (Indonesia):
1) Bali is renowned for its natural beauty, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, creating a captivating backdrop for yoga teacher training.
2) The island's spiritual energy and deep-rooted Balinese Hindu traditions contribute to a profound sense of tranquility and mindfulness.
3) Bali is home to numerous yoga retreat centers and studios, attracting yogis from around the world and fostering a diverse and inclusive yoga community.
4) The island's warm climate and tropical environment provide an ideal setting for outdoor yoga practices, connecting participants with nature and the elements.

McLeod Ganj(India):
1) McLeod Ganj, located in the scenic mountains of Himachal Pradesh, India, is famous as the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile.
2) The spiritual and peaceful ambiance of McLeod Ganj offers a conducive environment for introspection, meditation, and yoga practice.
3) The town is known for its vibrant Tibetan culture, Buddhist monasteries, and the opportunity to study under experienced Tibetan teachers and practitioners.
4) The majestic Himalayan backdrop and pristine nature surrounding McLeod Ganj provide a sense of serenity and inspiration for yogic exploration.

Goa (India):
1) Goa, with its idyllic beaches, palm-fringed coastline, and laid-back vibe, offers a unique blend of relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation.
2) The mix of Indian and Portuguese influences in Goa's culture creates a diverse and vibrant atmosphere.
3) Yoga retreat centers and schools in Goa provide a range of styles and approaches, catering to the needs of different practitioners and offering a holistic yoga experience.
4) The serene beach settings and warm tropical climate make Goa an inviting location for outdoor yoga practices and a rejuvenating escape from the demands of daily life.

******* Om Namaha Shivaaya *******

Double Occupancy Accommodation: Our double occupancy accommodation option offers a cost-effective and convenient choice for participants. With comfortable rooms, a range of services and facilities, and a focus on safety and security, we strive to create a nurturing and enjoyable environment for your yoga journey.
Sharing a room with a fellow participant allows for a sense of camaraderie and the opportunity to build connections with like-minded individuals.

Single Occupancy Accommodation: Choosing single occupancy accommodation provides you with the freedom to customize your personal space and create a sanctuary that aligns with your preferences and needs.
It allows for uninterrupted relaxation, deep rest, and self-reflection, enhancing the transformative experience of the program.
Our single occupancy accommodation option offers privacy, comfort, and personalized space for participants seeking a more intimate experience.
The single occupancy option is ideal for individuals who value solitude and desire a tranquil setting to fully immerse themselves in their practice.

Price and Currency Conversion:

The double occupancy accommodation is priced at $550 for the duration of the program.
For participants from India, the price in INR would be approximately Rs. 45,598 (considering the exchange rate at the time of the transaction).
The single occupancy accommodation is priced at $750 for the duration of the program.
For participants from India, the price in INR would be approximately Rs. 62,179 (considering the exchange rate at the time of the transaction).
Our rooms are thoughtfully designed and furnished to provide a peaceful and relaxing environment for your stay.
Each room is equipped with modern amenities and conveniences to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience.


Our accommodations are conveniently located within close proximity to the training venue, ensuring easy accessibility for participants.
We strive to select accommodations that are well-connected to transportation hubs and provide a hassle-free commuting experience.

Services and Facilities:

Along with comfortable rooms, our accommodations offer a range of services and facilities to enhance your stay.
Participants can enjoy amenities such as Wi-Fi, hot water supply, laundry services, and housekeeping.
The accommodations are designed to provide a peaceful and nurturing environment, allowing you to focus on your yoga practice and personal growth.

Shared Facilities:

In addition to the rooms, participants will have access to shared facilities within the accommodation premises. These may include common areas for relaxation and socializing, outdoor spaces for meditation or yoga practice, and dining areas.

Safety and Security:

The safety and security of our participants are of utmost importance to us.
We ensure that the accommodations are equipped with necessary safety measures and adhere to local regulations and standards.
*** Our team is available to provide assistance and support throughout your stay, ensuring a comfortable and secure experience. ***

******* Om Namaha Shivaaya *******

Food :
At Yogalayaa, we understand the vital role that food plays in supporting your yoga journey. We believe that nourishing the body with the right type and quality of food is essential for overall well-being and enhancing your practice.

Our meals are thoughtfully prepared, keeping in mind the principles of yogic nutrition and balanced eating. We prioritize offering plant based whole saatvik food, which is pure, fresh, and free from any stimulants or processed ingredients.

The food we serve is primarily plant-based, incorporating a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats. We strive to use organic and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible, ensuring that each meal is packed with nutrients and vitality.

By providing wholesome and nutritious meals, we aim to support your physical, mental, and spiritual growth. The benefits of our food program go beyond satiating hunger; they contribute to your overall well-being and aid in your yoga journey in several ways:

Enhances Digestion: Our meals are prepared in a way that promotes healthy digestion, helping to optimize nutrient absorption and eliminate toxins from the body. This leads to increased energy levels and a lighter, more vibrant feeling throughout the day.

Supports Detoxification: The plant-based nature of our meals, along with the inclusion of fresh, whole foods, supports the body's natural detoxification processes. This allows you to release toxins and purify your system, promoting clarity and balance.
Boosts Energy Levels: The nutritious ingredients in our meals provide a steady release of energy, allowing you to sustain your yoga practice and engage fully in the training program. You'll experience increased vitality and a sense of vitality throughout the day.
Enhances Mental Clarity: A balanced and nourishing diet positively impacts mental clarity and focus. Our meals are designed to provide the essential nutrients and antioxidants needed for optimal brain function, helping you stay present and attentive during your practice.
Supports Emotional Well-being: The connection between food and emotions is significant. Our meals are crafted with the intention of nurturing your emotional well-being, promoting a positive mindset, and supporting a balanced state of mind.

We believe that the food we provide at Yogalayaa is an integral part of your yoga journey. It is designed to support and complement your practice, allowing you to experience a deeper connection with yourself and the teachings of yoga. Our commitment to serving high-quality, nourishing meals is rooted in our desire to create a holistic and transformative experience for our students.

*** Please note that if you have any specific dietary requirements or restrictions, we are happy to accommodate them to ensure that your meals align with your individual needs. ***

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule
Time Daily Schedule
6:00 am - 7:00 am Morning Meditation and Pranayama
7:00 am - 9:00 am Asana Practice and Teaching Methodology
9:00 am - 10:00 am Breakfast Break
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga Practice
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Philosophy and Ethics of Yoga
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Teaching Methodology and Techniques
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Tea Break
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Advanced Asana and Pranayama Techniques
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Dinner Break
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Self-Study and Reflection
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Group Activity, Community Building, or Guest Lecture
10:00 pm - 5:00 am Lights Out

Date & Fee

“If not you, who? If not now, when?” ~The Talmud

Upcoming Batches
Date Single Stay Shared Stay
03rd December - 27th December 2023 (Rishikesh) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03rd December - 27th December 2023 (Goa) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03rd December - 27th December 2023 (McLeod Ganj) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03rd December - 27th December 2023 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
08th January - 1st February 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
08th January - 1st February 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
08th January - 1st February 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
08th January - 1st February 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th February - 29th February 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th February - 29th February 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
05th February - 29th February 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th February - 29th February 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
04th March - 28th March 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
04th March - 28th March 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
04th March - 28th March 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
04th March - 28th March 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st April - 25th April 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st April - 25th April 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
01st April - 25th April 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st April - 25th April 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
06th May - 30th May 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
06th May - 30th May 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
06th May - 30th May 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
06th May - 30th May 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03th June - 27th June 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03th June - 27th June 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
03th June - 27th June 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
03th June - 27th June 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st July - 25th July 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
01st July - 25th July 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st July - 25th July 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
01st July - 25th July 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th August - 29th August 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) 2675 USD 2150 USD
05th August - 29th August 2024 (Rishikesh, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th August - 29th August 2024 (McLeod Ganj, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD
05th August - 29th August 2024 (Goa, India) 1750 USD 1475 USD


 Yogalaya's teacher training program is a comprehensive course that aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified yoga instructor.

The duration of the program varies depending on the type of training. It can range from 100 hours to 500 hours, depending on the level of certification sought.

 The prerequisites for a Yoga Teachers Training Program may vary depending on the program, location, and instructor. However, here are some general guidelines and recommendations:

Personal Practice: Most Yoga Teachers Training Programs require applicants to have a consistent personal practice of yoga for at least 6 months to 1 year before applying. This is to ensure that applicants have a basic understanding and experience of yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, and are committed to the practice.

Physical and Mental Health: Yoga practice involves physical and mental exertion, and it is important that applicants are in good health and able to participate in the program without significant limitations or risks. Some programs may require a medical clearance or a waiver from a healthcare provider.

Commitment and Availability: Yoga Teachers Training Programs are intensive and immersive, and require a significant time and energy commitment. Applicants should be able to attend all sessions, complete assignments, and participate in the program with an open and curious mind.

Openness and Respect: Yoga is a diverse and evolving practice that draws from different traditions, cultures, and perspectives. Applicants should be open to learning and exploring different approaches to yoga, and respectful of different opinions and experiences.

English Language Proficiency: Most Yoga Teachers Training Programs are conducted in English, and applicants should have a basic proficiency in English language skills to understand and communicate effectively with the instructor and peers.

It is important to note that these are general guidelines and that each Yoga Teachers Training Program may have specific requirements, such as a certain level of experience, certification, or educational background. It is recommended to research and compare different programs, and to communicate with the program coordinators or instructors to clarify any questions or concerns.

 Yogalaya's teacher training program covers a variety of yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Prenatal, and Ayurveda yoga.

 The program covers a range of topics, including yoga philosophy, anatomy, asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, teaching methodology, and more.

The class size for the program varies depending on the location and type of training, but typically a maximum of 20 students per class.

The certification process involves completing all required coursework and passing a final exam. Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate of completion and can apply for certification as a registered yoga instructor.

Accommodation and food arrangements vary depending on the location and type of training. Some programs may include accommodation and meals, while others may require students to make their own arrangements.

Benefits include gaining a deeper understanding of yoga and its philosophy, improving your own practice, developing teaching skills and techniques, and becoming certified to teach yoga.

Yes, Yogalaya offers a scholarship program for eligible students who demonstrate financial need and a commitment to their yoga practice.

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